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IDL's Award-Winning Literacy & Math Software, Trusted by Thousands, Empowering US Educators & Learners.


Trusted by Over 4k Schools Worldwide!

Boost students’ spelling and reading levels by nearly a year in just 26 hours—no 1-on-1 help needed.

IDL software has been developed alongside SEN experts and has been supporting learners since the 1980s.

IDL Products

IDL Literacy Software

A speech-enabled, multi-sensory tool helping students with dyslexia and learning difficulties improve reading, spelling, and literacy.

IDL Wellbeing

Supports schoolwide mental health, resilience, and behavior using mindfulness to teach emotional literacy, reducing risks for ages 7–13.

IDL Animated Math Tutorials

Step-by-step animations to explain key concepts clearly and demonstrate real-world applications.


Helps learners master multiplication with fun, curriculum-aligned practice, progress tracking, personalized pacing, and device access.

IDL Numeracy Screener

Quickly detect math-related SEN in students up to 11, screening classes or individuals in just 15 minutes.

Award-Winning Special Education Software

International Dyslexia Learning (IDL) provides specialist multi-sensory software to thousands of elementary and high schools around the world. Designed to help teachers provide SEN support, IDL is proven to improve literacy and numeracy skills and boost confidence.

IDL software has been developed alongside SEN experts and has been supporting learners since the 1980s.

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