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Build Something Different
This Scholastic Year
BSD Education is trusted by over 8,000 educators and 150K+ Students across 26 countries
We spark creativity and teach core tech skills, from coding to AI and Web3, preparing students for future success.
Teach Students Career-Ready Technology Skills
Artificial Intelligence
Game Development
Web Development
Tech Entrepeneurship
Emerging Technology
Empower Growth
Everything you need to start teaching technology in your school or classroom without previous experience in coding.
What’s Included:
Over 600 hours of courses covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python – the coding languages used every day on the internet
24/7 support from the BSD team that goes beyond onboarding. We are on hand to help develop your skills and confidence in teaching EdTech
Capacity building through professional development, fully resourced content library and BSD Online as a scaffolded platform
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